Reconfigured Landscape

Individual project | Art | 2019 - Present
Swept, 2021

From late 2019 to early 2020, Australia suffered severe, devastating wildfires. Millions of hectares were burnt. Thousands of homes were destroyed. At the time, I was on a road trip with friends in a regional area of Victoria. It was the very first time in my life so close to a natural disaster, witnessing the smoky mountains, burning sky. I realized that how fragile human beings could be confronting the great natural power.

This unusual experience prompted me to consider our relationship with nature and make this project Reconfigured Landscape. I envisioned and fabricated apocalyptic landscapes that our living environments could evolve, through introducing and heightening the visual disruptions to photographic landscapes.

Burnt, 2019

Whirled, 2020

Rippled, 2019

Ruined, 2019

Fragmented, 2021


Ruined, 2019
Burnt, 2019
Swept, 2021

Rippled, 2019
Whirled, 2020
Fragmented, 2021

Monday Dec 27 2021
© Yunhua Zhang 2021