
Individual project - 1 month | Digital | Softwares: Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere, Sketch

  • Overview
  • Market Needs
  • Creative Direction
  • Demographic 
  • Information Architecture
  • Wireframe
  • User Journey


  • Homey is a digital platform for people to exchange houses to save or reduce accommodation fees when travelling to other new cities.
  • On the app, you can find like-minded people to exchange accommodations, thereby reducing travel budgets. In this way, you can have more opportunities to explore travel destinations and experience local life leisurely. Also, you can search for popular local experiences such as famous galleries, outdoor activities, hidden-gem restaurants, etc.

Market Needs:

  • These days people would love to explore new cities to experience ‘actually‘ living there and dig out local cultures, customs and lifestyles.
  • However, due to high accommodation fees, many of them, usually young people, are only allowed to stay for a short period and still have many exciting things on their plans to do. People therefore need to find a way to deal with travel budgets to stay longer and enjoy.

Creative Direction:

  • It aimed to convey a comfortable, cozy feel with three brand keywords: nostalgia, relax, vacationWhen users use the app, they are not searching for temporary accommodation but another house in a new city.
  • The name, Homey, defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is homelike and evocative of home. As a slang term, it refers to a friend.


Our main target user group is young people who love travelling. They are aged 18-32 and have not owned any properties yet. They could be of any gender, ethnicity, nationality, education level.

Information Architecture:

Design Components:

User Journey 1 - Get started

Filling up your full name, email address and password, other user information to create an account and then post details of your house/room that you would like to use for house-swapping with others.

User Journey 2 - Find a match to exchange house 👍️

This is the most exciting feature in this digital platform, based on mutual interest and agreement to swap accommodations. You can set up your preferences filters to find an attractive house/room. Once both of you express an attraction to each other’s accomodations, you can further discuss the details of the house-swapping.

User Journey 3 - Look for popular experiences nearby

You can search for famous galleries, hidden-gem restaurants, bicycle trails and other popular activities in local communities and quickly learn about their information, current events and reviews on the platform.

Monday Dec 27 2021
© Yunhua Zhang 2021